During the month of October, I’m following along with Edie & Ruth on their 31 Days of Less & More journey. I’d love for you to join in by reading the posts and completing the projects, or just sit back and read along each day.
Wow, starting and following through with this challenge is, should I say way, more "challenging" than I thought! I am only six days behind, but I thought I'd better play some catch up. Truthfully, I find that it has been a lot more thought provoking than I thought and a bit intimidating to say the least. However, I did agree to this challenge, so I better get started.
Day 2: Less Fear, More Courage: Today's Challenge to identify one thing you are too scared or fearful of doing and do it.
While I did not conquer my fear today, I did conquer several of my fears a couple of weekends ago when I participated in the Hard Charge Peoria Race on September 28th. If you have never heard of the Hard Charge Race, I encourage you to take a look at the videos on YouTube. Basically, it was a 4 mile race with 27 obstacles that you have to face along your "run". Obstacles included jumping in icy water, scaling over old cars, climbing walls, army crawling through mud and sand, rope climbing, wall climbing, monkey bars, and much more. At the end of this race you had to go up a rock climbing wall and then have to slide down a fireman's pole from 20 feet or so in the air. Basically, I had no business participating in this, but a bunch of girlfriends convinced me that I could do it. With their encouragement, I was able to complete every obstacle, with the exception of the monkey bars (Fell into the water)!
Day 3: Less Bitterness, More Forgiveness: Today's challenge was to write a letter to someone who wronged you and to forgive them. Do not send it, but commit to praying for that person.
Thankfully, I cannot think of a particular person or event where I feel like I was wronged or mistreated. I really do not hold a grudge or bitterness towards anyone and I thank God for that. I skipped this day, but continue to pray that others forgive me in the event that they may feel mistreated by me.
Day 4: Less Comparison, More Self Confidence Today's challenge was to think of someone you compare yourself to and write down that person's name and all of her wonderful traits. Then think of possible trials that person has and pray for that person. Maybe even send her a note telling her how she has been inspiring to you.
I don't only compare myself to other moms, but I also compare my marriage, family, body to others. I find that the more I compare, the less grateful I am for the blessings in my life. Everyone has a struggle that we do not see and we need to learn to be happy in our own shoes. Whenever I find myself feeling discouraged or thinking the grass my be greener somewhere else, I read this blog post Somebody Wants What You Have and remember to count my blessings. I encourage you to read this!
Day 5: Less Self-Centeredness, More Service Today's challenge was to do something--anything--to serve someone else today.
I brought a meal to a new mom last week, and today I chose to call that mom and offer to take one child off her hands tomorrow so she could have more rest.
Day 6: Less Discord, More Harmony Today's challenge was to identify a situation in your life where there is conflict, resentment or discord and think of one of two things you could do to resolve that conflict.
a situation in your life where there is conflict, resentment, or
discord. It could be in a friendship, family situation, or group you
are a part of. Take an honest look at your own contribution and
culpability to this particular situation, then think of one or two
things you could do today to help resolve the conflict, ease the
tension, or move towards reconciliation.
Read more at http://www.livingwellspendingless.com/2013/10/06/less-discord-day-6/#JZg1PqUtC5qeAM6i.99
One particular situation in my life that is causing issues is our morning rush. I am finding that I am getting frustrated with my son in the morning. He is incredibly slow moving in the morning and I find myself losing my cool. One particular thing we argue over is his wardrobe. He would like to wear the same green baseball tee with stains all over it every single day. It's been driving me crazy. When I suggest other shirts outfits, they are "too long" or "not comfy". So tonight we decided to layout our clothes so we do NOT have to have this conflict in the morning. I explained to him that we will not change our minds in the morning, and what we pick out tonight is what we will wear tomorrow. Hoping to have a better morning! Also, I am going to start waking up 30 minutes earlier than normal so I can have my coffee and time to get my Bible read before the kids get up so I can be ready for the day!Read more at http://www.livingwellspendingless.com/2013/10/06/less-discord-day-6/#JZg1PqUtC5qeAM6i.99
So anyone else doing this challenge? What do you think?
one person who has wronged you and become a source of bitterness in
your life. Write a letter detailing what you are angry about and how
that hurt you. End the letter by writing down how you intend to let go
of your bitterness. Don’t send the letter, but make a commitment to
pray for that person every day this month.
Read more at http://www.livingwellspendingless.com/2013/10/03/less-bitterness-day-3/#C2ZiUS29JkdzGgzs.99
Read more at http://www.livingwellspendingless.com/2013/10/03/less-bitterness-day-3/#C2ZiUS29JkdzGgzs.99
Identify one small thing you have thought about doing but have been too scared to do. It could be something as small as trying a new food or a new fitness class at the gym, or perhaps speaking to a crowd, riding a roller coaster, or even confronting someone who has hurt you, whatever it is, write it down. Tell your fear out loud that it can’t control you, that you are going to do this one thing even though you are scared. Then DO IT. Share the fear you plan to conquer in the comments below, or on Facebook.
Next, think of how different your life might be if you were courageous for the people in your life. If you were open, vulnerable, tender, kind, self-sacrificing, and compassionate. Think of who most needs your courage today and find a few small ways to show them. Maybe you’ve been fighting with your husband, or yelling at your kids, or maybe you’ve been keeping your heart at a safe distance from everyone in your life. Whoever’s name comes to mind, write it down and list 3 ways you can be more courageous in your relationships this week. Pray for that person everyday and put them right at the top of your ‘to do’ list. See how your thoughts about them change after a week of loving them with courage.
Read more at http://www.livingwellspendingless.com/2013/10/02/less-fear-day-2/#iPYPD36E51XCeQDo.99
ay 2 Challenge:
Identify one small thing you have thought about doing but have been too
scared to do. It could be something as small as trying a new food
or a new fitness class at the gym, or perhaps speaking to a crowd,
riding a roller coaster, or even confronting someone who has hurt you,
Whatever it is, write it down. Tell your fear out loud that it can’t
control you, that you are going to do this one thing even though you are
scared. Then do it!
Next, think of how different your life might be if you were courageous for the people in your life. If you were open, vulnerable, tender, kind, self-sacrificing, and compassionate. Think of who most needs your courage today and find a few small ways to show them. Maybe you’ve been fighting with your husband, or yelling at your kids, or maybe you’ve been keeping your heart at a safe distance from everyone in your life. Whoever’s name comes to mind, write it down and list 3 ways you can be more courageous in your relationships this week. Pray for that person everyday and put them right at the top of your ‘to do’ list. See how your thoughts about them change after a week of loving them with courage.
Read more at http://www.lifeingraceblog.com/2013/10/31-days-of-less-and-more-day-2-more-courage/#XPLhwJT5z2wKQUyB.99

Next, think of how different your life might be if you were courageous for the people in your life. If you were open, vulnerable, tender, kind, self-sacrificing, and compassionate. Think of who most needs your courage today and find a few small ways to show them. Maybe you’ve been fighting with your husband, or yelling at your kids, or maybe you’ve been keeping your heart at a safe distance from everyone in your life. Whoever’s name comes to mind, write it down and list 3 ways you can be more courageous in your relationships this week. Pray for that person everyday and put them right at the top of your ‘to do’ list. See how your thoughts about them change after a week of loving them with courage.
Read more at http://www.lifeingraceblog.com/2013/10/31-days-of-less-and-more-day-2-more-courage/#XPLhwJT5z2wKQUyB.99
ay 2 Challenge:
Identify one small thing you have thought about doing but have been too
scared to do. It could be something as small as trying a new food
or a new fitness class at the gym, or perhaps speaking to a crowd,
riding a roller coaster, or even confronting someone who has hurt you,
Whatever it is, write it down. Tell your fear out loud that it can’t
control you, that you are going to do this one thing even though you are
scared. Then do it!
Next, think of how different your life might be if you were courageous for the people in your life. If you were open, vulnerable, tender, kind, self-sacrificing, and compassionate. Think of who most needs your courage today and find a few small ways to show them. Maybe you’ve been fighting with your husband, or yelling at your kids, or maybe you’ve been keeping your heart at a safe distance from everyone in your life. Whoever’s name comes to mind, write it down and list 3 ways you can be more courageous in your relationships this week. Pray for that person everyday and put them right at the top of your ‘to do’ list. See how your thoughts about them change after a week of loving them with courage.
Read more at http://www.lifeingraceblog.com/2013/10/31-days-of-less-and-more-day-2-more-courage/#XPLhwJT5z2wKQUyB.99

Next, think of how different your life might be if you were courageous for the people in your life. If you were open, vulnerable, tender, kind, self-sacrificing, and compassionate. Think of who most needs your courage today and find a few small ways to show them. Maybe you’ve been fighting with your husband, or yelling at your kids, or maybe you’ve been keeping your heart at a safe distance from everyone in your life. Whoever’s name comes to mind, write it down and list 3 ways you can be more courageous in your relationships this week. Pray for that person everyday and put them right at the top of your ‘to do’ list. See how your thoughts about them change after a week of loving them with courage.
Read more at http://www.lifeingraceblog.com/2013/10/31-days-of-less-and-more-day-2-more-courage/#XPLhwJT5z2wKQUyB.99
ay 2 Challenge:
Identify one small thing you have thought about doing but have been too
scared to do. It could be something as small as trying a new food
or a new fitness class at the gym, or perhaps speaking to a crowd,
riding a roller coaster, or even confronting someone who has hurt you,
Whatever it is, write it down. Tell your fear out loud that it can’t
control you, that you are going to do this one thing even though you are
scared. Then do it!
Next, think of how different your life might be if you were courageous for the people in your life. If you were open, vulnerable, tender, kind, self-sacrificing, and compassionate. Think of who most needs your courage today and find a few small ways to show them. Maybe you’ve been fighting with your husband, or yelling at your kids, or maybe you’ve been keeping your heart at a safe distance from everyone in your life. Whoever’s name comes to mind, write it down and list 3 ways you can be more courageous in your relationships this week. Pray for that person everyday and put them right at the top of your ‘to do’ list. See how your thoughts about them change after a week of loving them with courage.
Read more at http://www.lifeingraceblog.com/2013/10/31-days-of-less-and-more-day-2-more-courage/#XPLhwJT5z2wKQUyB.99

Next, think of how different your life might be if you were courageous for the people in your life. If you were open, vulnerable, tender, kind, self-sacrificing, and compassionate. Think of who most needs your courage today and find a few small ways to show them. Maybe you’ve been fighting with your husband, or yelling at your kids, or maybe you’ve been keeping your heart at a safe distance from everyone in your life. Whoever’s name comes to mind, write it down and list 3 ways you can be more courageous in your relationships this week. Pray for that person everyday and put them right at the top of your ‘to do’ list. See how your thoughts about them change after a week of loving them with courage.
Read more at http://www.lifeingraceblog.com/2013/10/31-days-of-less-and-more-day-2-more-courage/#XPLhwJT5z2wKQUyB.99
Identify one small thing you have thought about doing but have been too scared to do. It could be something as small as trying a new food or a new fitness class at the gym, or perhaps speaking to a crowd, riding a roller coaster, or even confronting someone who has hurt you, whatever it is, write it down. Tell your fear out loud that it can’t control you, that you are going to do this one thing even though you are scared. Then DO IT. Share the fear you plan to conquer in the comments below, or on Facebook.
Next, think of how different your life might be if you were courageous for the people in your life. If you were open, vulnerable, tender, kind, self-sacrificing, and compassionate. Think of who most needs your courage today and find a few small ways to show them. Maybe you’ve been fighting with your husband, or yelling at your kids, or maybe you’ve been keeping your heart at a safe distance from everyone in your life. Whoever’s name comes to mind, write it down and list 3 ways you can be more courageous in your relationships this week. Pray for that person everyday and put them right at the top of your ‘to do’ list. See how your thoughts about them change after a week of loving them with courage.
Read more at http://www.livingwellspendingless.com/2013/10/02/less-fear-day-2/#iPYPD36E51XCeQDo.99
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